Critical App Faults User Guide


This DEX Pack Lite gives insight on which critical applications are the worst offenders for faults. A critical application is defined as an application in focus for more than five percent of the total application focus time, and it includes the top five critical apps per system.

Global Filters

In the Global Filters section, you can select a group and a time frame for which to see the total faults and to populate the other sections on the page. The default for Group is All Systems. The default for Days is one week, which you can change to various durations from five days to one month. The Total Faults box adjusts to show you the total faults for the group and time frame that you select.

Faults per App

The Faults per App section displays a pie chart of applications and their faults. In the Display field, you can switch between three options:

  • Num Faults: This default option sets the chart to show the number of faults per application.

  • Num Faulting Systems: Select this option to set the chart to show the number of systems that have faulted per application.

  • Num Faulting Versions: Select this option to set the chart to show the number of application versions that have faulted per application.

Use the Application Search field in this section to limit the results to one application.

In the Display Top N Faulting Apps field, you can select to limit results to the top 10, 20, or 50 applications.

Hover over the pieces of the chart to see the details about each application. Click a piece of the chart to populate the other sections with that set of data.

Faults per App Version

This section shows a bar chart with the number of faults per application version. In the Display field, you can change the display to show the number of faulting systems per application version.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.

Selected Version Faults Over Time

This section shows a chart with the number of faults by date for the application version you selected. In the Display field, you can change the display to show the number of faulting systems per application version. In the Version to Display field, you can select to show all versions or just the version you selected.

Hover over a bar in the chart to see exact numbers.

Selected Version Systems

This section shows a table with all systems that experienced a fault for the application version you selected. In the Version to Display field, you can select to show all versions or just the version you selected.

Fault Combinations for Selected App

This section shows a table with details about fault combinations for the application you selected. For example, if you select Teams, you see a table with all Teams faults and their application version, module name, module version, fault address, fault count, first fault date, and last fault date.

Fault Address

This section shows a chart with the number of faults for each fault address for the application version you selected.